Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back to school D:

Well, school is starting. And well, frankly I'm not really ready. 1st of all, I haven't even did my homework, duh. and i havent even tidied up my bag yet? haha. left it the same way as it was. woots. XD

Sigh. I miss you. =.="
Well, just remember the end of our deal. :) teehee ^_^
Study hard? Maybe.
Forget you? Impossible.

So yeah, school, I hate you, but Imma do my effin best there. Just you wait :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010


You act like I will die without you, that my life would be pointless. That's where you're wrong. I can sooooo totally go on with or without you. So you can save your pride for yourself cause I don't give a damn. You need to learn to let go, oh yeah, you already effin' did that. I'm not your toy that you can play with and throw away when you get bored. So yeah, in a nutshell, I don't need you, not anymore. Look, we make mistakes, you're not a mistake, but you're a lesson :) so feel happy. haha. Anyway, I'm just happy that we both know what's good for us? Well, at least I'm sure I know. Things wouldn't work out between us anyway. :)


1. Last beverage: ummm..mineral water?

2. Last phone call: From Mum

3. Last text message: From Tze Yang

4. Last song you listened to:

5. Last time you cried: In class, about a week before exam. D:


6. Dated someone twice: Wtf does this mean?

7. Been cheated on: Yeah..hmm... D:

8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah.

9. Lost someone special: Yes :(

10. Been depressed: Multiple times :C

11. Been drunk and threw up: Never even drank! XD


12. Umm, black?

13. Red ;D


14. Made a new friend: A lot, yeah ;D

15. Fallen in love: That's what I presume

16. Laughed until you cried: Hell yeah! :D

17. Met someone who changed you: Umm, barely, but yeah..

18. Found out who your true friends were: Oh yes :) glad to know too

19. Found out someone was talking about you: YES! D:

20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally : NOOOOO


21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: About 20-30% ?

22. How many kids do you want to have: Probably 2 to 3 ?

23. Do you have any pets: Yeah :D

24. Do you wanna change your name: Nope!!!! I love my name!

25. What did you do for your last birthday: Nothing special. :/

26. What time did you wake up today: haha. good one. umm..9.30am

27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Chatting with Alvin LOL

28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: MY friend chia-ing me! Teehee :3

29. Last time you saw your Mother: About 5 minutes ago?

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Where I live

32. What are you listening to right now: Still loading zz EFF slow connection

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Does my uncle count if his name is Thomas?

34. What's getting on your nerves right now: I haven't washed the plates and I'm sick of doing it!

35. Most visited webpage: Facebook :D

36. What's your real name: Alexis

37. What's your nickname: Lexi, Lexis, Alex, Xis

38. Relationship Status: Technically I'm single WOOTS

39. Zodiac sign: Pisces

40. Male or female: Female

41. Elementary school: SJK Sungau Jaong

42. Middle School: SMK Marudi

43. High school/college: Not yet LOL

44. Hair colour: Black with a tint of brownish features

45. Long or short: Long, choppy layers

46. Height: 165cm

47. Do you have a crush on someone: Possibly? == not sure.

48: What do you like about yourself: I'm random and blunt at times. Does not discriminates.

49. Piercings: Ears.

50. Tattoos: in the future? haha

51. Righty or lefty: Rightyyy!!!! :D


52. First surgery: Nope :X

53. First piercing: Yah, ears.

54. First best friend: Ling Li Ching

55. First sport you joined in: Basketball > Badminton

56. First vacation: I forgot where it was, too small

58. First pair of trainers: xxxxxxxx

59. Eating: umm, when I was just born??? LMAO

60. Drinking: Probably mummy's

61. I'm about to: Don't know. Answer the next Q

62. Listening to: The Script's break even. haha

63. Waiting for: Meet my pals D:


64. Want kids: yesssssss :D

65. Get Married: Yeah ;)

66. Career: Medical field.


67. Lips or eyes: Both la.

68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs. teehee :3

69. Shorter or taller: Taller!!!!

70. Older or Younger: Younger.

71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous :D

72. Nice stomach or nice arms: nice stomach XD

73. Sensitive or loud: Good Q. not too loud, but bold ? ;D

74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationships.

75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Trouble-maker WOOTS!


76. Kissed a stranger: Nooo

77. Drank hard liquor: NOPE

78. Lost your glasses/ contact: Almost lost my glasses. XDhaha

79. Sex on first date: wtf HELL NO

80. Broken someone's heart: ummm, not sure bout that. they never tell me

82. Been arrested: hahaha. LOL! NO

83. Turned someone down: yeah, sorry bout that XD

84. Cried when someone died: So far, the ones that were meaningful to me passed before I was born

85. Fallen for a friend: Yeah, i guess


86. Yourself: Sometimes.

87. Miracles: yeah ;D on occasions though LOL

88. Love at first sight: eff that. It's all about physical appearance and that sucks

89. Heaven: Yeshhh <3

90. Santa Claus: haha. NO

91. Kiss on the first date: Umm..don't think so

92. Angels: There is one right now <3


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: NOOOOOO

95. Did you sing today: oh yeah!

96. Ever cheated on somebody: Nope.

97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: When it was a lot easier and simpler.

98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: The time I met Malcolm. LOL

99. Are you afraid of falling in love: Yeah. Love sucks? haha

100. Posting this as 100 truths: YESHHH

Oh yeah. we did make up. haha. but somehow after you broke up with me, that feelin aint there no more. Sorry but this eagle has got to fly ;D we're still friends though. :) hmmm~ it's not too bad actually, getting used to it. pfft. i won't die :D yeah. Holidays are almost over and I'm looking forward to my results? haha. uh-oh. don't sound like Alexis. well, I guess I did pretty well. I already know I aced Chemistry, Moral and Math. Teehee :3 but about other subbies, I don't know. LMAO. haha. Well, still awaiting for form 5. By then I can drive WOOTS!