Friday, July 2, 2010


Yeah,those were the times...going out with my b whenever we had the time to =]
always will, and never shall I forget the times we spent together, you made every second worth while, made my stay worth while. You make me feel special in so many ways, even when I'm sweating and I rubbed my sweat on your shirt, :( haha awwhhh...At night near 9pm, we were hanging at the park, then this girl who claimed she was death wanted to sell some couple-like souvenirs in exchange for RM8. I turned to u and u shook your head. awwhh..kolian =[ the next time, we were havin the last day together, we had our last meal at kfc, then an old man approached us and told us that he needed money to pay for the operation for his son or something, in return he sold some crackers worth RM2 each. being the easily sympathetic me, I fished out 5 and handed it to him, then he just left us with two packets of crackers and left. and i was lyk, hey, wat bout my change D: haha but he was long gone. oh well, so many sellers love us bah, bo bian..<3

alot of things happened before and after that,and I wish not to repeat again :( sigh. the rest, i know clearly what happened...;[ couldnt see you after u stepped into that car, cause I know that would be the last time we would meet for a long period. oh well, life sucks, just accepting reality.

0 people who gave a damn: