Friday, July 2, 2010

Sigh. Don't think I'll be goin for that tournament anymore.

haha. I know that my coach have made plans to go to kuching for a tournament and all this July. But it's already July, and due to those stupid-ass renovations at the badminton court here, we SELDOM have any training D: which sucks big time, because how the hell are we going to go there within this month with barely one month of intensive training? and oh, come on, I'm form 4 for pete's sake. My mum and tuition teacher would surely lecture me about the disadvantages of going there D: sigh. so yeah, guess I'm not goin there afterall. So I can't meet my b and pals there...great. just great. a chance to leave this foul place : FAIL.

I miss him like co-rai-ziee (wahahaha) :'(

0 people who gave a damn: