Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sorry, I forgot ur bday!

I feel effin' terrible..
not only did I forgot my BFF's bday
I also forgot to get her the gift I promised her!
now I feel like hell
She remembered mine T.T
that day she asked me to go out
but I said I can't cause I have stupid 8math tuition..
what kinda fren am I!??!
sigh... XD I feel like I'm the main character in 'shortcut to happiness'
about a guy who was too engrossed in fame and wealth, he forgot about his fren...
>,< I don't wanna do that
and the fren died IN THE END!
huh....anyway, if ur readin' this, a thousand times, SORRY

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fuck Add Maths

I know, lol...I hate 8math so effing much!!! What's the point of learning it anyway??? We're not gonna use it in our everyday life! Shit!!!

I had 8math tt today, trust me i hated and dreaded every second of it, wished it quickly's only beginning of the year and already I hate a, I hate physics too..anything that involves calculating, I will effin' hate it!

Sigh, haven't done with my 8math homework yet, i should probably do it by tonight...XD i'm so lazy...haha~ =P

Monday, January 25, 2010

Already start to have kes disiplin? lol

Kay~ so we just started school and eveything...
but it feels like already a year has passed XD
anyway, since I'm a...duh...stupid effin' prefect...
My duty is to 'ronda' blok C and B...
suddenly there was this huge fight there and I'm like wtf should I do now?!
then luckily a teacher came in and settled it..may God bless U teacher.. =]
We're gonna have a prefect meeting later...
considering the fact that my friends and I should be the ones looking after that block
stupid effin immature kids! Already form 4 ( 17 yrs old de la ) still behave that way, like WTH
haiz...thanks guys, you so totally made my day a whole lot better...
my B's still at school, gonna get back at about 3.20pm
Shiizzzz....coz he got Mandarin, oh well..
Well I'm gonna have my meeting at 3pm ...
so when I'm there he's probably gonna msg me..
and NO, I can't reply him T.T not just yet anyway~
Damn it~ >,<

~+ ADIOS +~

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slacking off nowadays?

Haiz...beginning to get more and more lazy as time goes by...>,<
Even mum notices and she says that I'm not as 'focused' as I used to be..
like WTF? I'm tryin my damn best here..I may not the most perfect daughter, but nobody's perfect 好不好??
Kay~all the last minute homework stuff, I did it since like what, when I was primary 4 or something like that till then you noticed? I'm sure it's cause you think that having a boyfriend is occupying too much of my time...truth is if I'm not busy with him, I'm just glued infront of the computer! Minus him the time i spend on the cpu doubles, how can you NOT notice?
Oh well, parents are like that..what can we do?
Awaiting form.5 to end, wanna let loose a bit and enjoy my life =D

Friday, January 22, 2010

I know it's cool~

I know like, the last 2 days ka, I was pretty damn mad at euu.
HMMM.....ha-ha =P
But now baby dear, it's cool...=D
Can't believe even one of ur frenz texted me to ask what's up..
Hmm~ U do care...^^
I'll try to get better at my ..erm...temper?
Lao gong you know I damn love you...
no seriously I do...^+^


miss u much

~> from the gurl who constantly drives you insane , with

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My stuff..mostly pink ^^

:: Purses I use, now I'm using the black one ::

:: My pencil cases, see that silver hanger? My B gave it to me =D ::

:: My GATSBY...hehe ^^ ::

:: My bedroom ::

:: My tissue box ::

:: My school bad ::

and LMAO, you'd totally flip if you see my my next blog you'll know ^_^

WTF 你为什么酱对我!?






But 你的人就这样。。消失了。。不如,你今晚不找我算了。。。我也不想再跟你谈了。。。是,是,我就是这么的小气,很轻易的不爽!那为什么偏偏要选我呢??Haiz...没话好说了,就这样吧~ bye