Sunday, January 24, 2010

Slacking off nowadays?

Haiz...beginning to get more and more lazy as time goes by...>,<
Even mum notices and she says that I'm not as 'focused' as I used to be..
like WTF? I'm tryin my damn best here..I may not the most perfect daughter, but nobody's perfect 好不好??
Kay~all the last minute homework stuff, I did it since like what, when I was primary 4 or something like that till then you noticed? I'm sure it's cause you think that having a boyfriend is occupying too much of my time...truth is if I'm not busy with him, I'm just glued infront of the computer! Minus him the time i spend on the cpu doubles, how can you NOT notice?
Oh well, parents are like that..what can we do?
Awaiting form.5 to end, wanna let loose a bit and enjoy my life =D

0 people who gave a damn: