Thursday, May 27, 2010

Happy happy JOY JOY

Alexis currently in happy mode now. haha. for many reasons :D

1st, imma meet my B very very soon. Probably on Monday and Tuesday. oh yay!!!! ^^ Overjoyed.

2nd, EXAM IS FINALLY OVERRRRRR!!!! That means, more play time for Alexis. oh yeah ;D

3rd, NO school, no duh???!!!! WoohooOO!!!!!!

4th, Wanna quickly get out of MARUDI, lyk, ASAP!!!!!!

5th, shopping at DA SPRING again :D lol. love ittt

老公等我哦!!我会来的^^ xixi

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teacher stalking

Okay. this is pretty WEIRD. I got an fb message just now from an unknown person, then found out it was my TEACHER. OMG!!!!

He said dont be too westerny using F and B word. Your english is good n might be too good. like wtf. == I just used it one time on FB and that was coz I was pissed. Why is it such a bif issue? Also I got some comments from my aunt == also saying the same thing. Watch my language. Hey it's my life. D: I can do whatever I want. Besides, it's not like I'm using it in every sentence. Only when necessary. dang ppl. what ever happened to personal space and privacy? I have rights too. Okay I accept your advice. Now get off my shoulders. :(

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good news...Bad news...

Hello once again :D GG here,bringing you the most up-to-date insights of (-_-) must you know, obvious much

Anyways, I asked my mum if I, no wait, scratch that, we could go back to Kuching this holiday. I expected a negative response really, but she was like :" owh okay, I want to, but we'll have to see if your dad has time n bla bla bla..."

Ok, wow. 1st thing, she usually doesn't give in so easily. 2, I thought she hated going back to Kuching. 3, idk. It's just unlike likey new her ;D

NOW, FOR THE BAD NEWS?? __ (O.o) __

My freakin crazy gila sial addmath teacher told us to go back for tuition, DURING HOLIDAYS, FOR 5 DAYS STRAIGHT. SiaooO!!!! Kidding me right?? Right after exam lagi tu!!! >,< grrrr!!!!!! So pissed. Why must she always ruin our day with her effed up class D:

Oh well, sigh. Means my official holiday only begins on 1 June. :(
Sob. Next week gonna have physics, biology, chemistry and 8math! FuyooHHH!!!! My best subbies, NOT. well, the only ones I hate is physics and 8maths. I suck bad at complicated calculation. I mean, we don't need it. Just basics saja ma. as long as we know 1+1=2 . LMAO. yea right XD

The reason why she's tormenting us is because she's gonna be a mum in september, so we're gonna stop having tuition that month till form 5. lol. sound nice eh? XD I feel pity for her child though D: he/she is gonna grow up as a mathematician,XD and solving 8math problems as a hobby cause (drum rolls, please) SHE HAS NO TV & INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! XDD

What a life :D

Anyways, not really sure about going to Mukah for badminton tournament though, cause I'm scared it's gonna clash with the time I'm goin to Kuching. hmmmm...I pick Kuching. XD

Saturday, May 15, 2010

sigh. exam week. D:
not the point actually.


Man, it damn hurt when I knew you moved away T.T
But every time I see your photos, i recall all those good memories we had.
Yes they were brief, but I cherish every second.
And though you may not know, and never will know
I liked you a lot D: a whole whole lot.
I hope you're having a blissful time there
You deserve champion if I was the empire watching you play
Sigh. These feelings have way passed me...
But this is what I usually do if there are things left unsaid
I will keep on remembering it :(
I hate you. Hate you. Hate you.


Baby, we've been together for about 7 months now ♥
So far so great :D
Sometimes i try not to fall too in love with you, lol
otherwise when we break, it'll hurt a lot. ouch D:
and I don't want that to happen- again. dayum XD're always in my mind <3
especially when I'm bored
cause only you always text me ;D
and I love that about you

Monday, May 3, 2010

Startin' today, less play time D:

Man. I hate exams, gets in the way of my play time D:
<3 play time, includin:

- chatting wit my hommies
- online-ing!!! woo-hooo!!! :D
- textin/callin my baby ^^
- go out gai gai and stuff ;)
- sigh. many more D: lol

Man I can't do that stuff til like, after exam! which is about the end of the month...
BTW I'm having a badminton tournament then!! D:
Duno if mum would allow me to go all the way to Mukah though T.T hope she does
also, how the hell can I be confident enough to compete if I don't even train as much this month!? Why must it be this month!? Why can't it be in June or something D: sigh. sakai one this world XD
