Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good news...Bad news...

Hello once again :D GG here,bringing you the most up-to-date insights of (-_-) must you know, obvious much

Anyways, I asked my mum if I, no wait, scratch that, we could go back to Kuching this holiday. I expected a negative response really, but she was like :" owh okay, I want to, but we'll have to see if your dad has time n bla bla bla..."

Ok, wow. 1st thing, she usually doesn't give in so easily. 2, I thought she hated going back to Kuching. 3, idk. It's just unlike likey new her ;D

NOW, FOR THE BAD NEWS?? __ (O.o) __

My freakin crazy gila sial addmath teacher told us to go back for tuition, DURING HOLIDAYS, FOR 5 DAYS STRAIGHT. SiaooO!!!! Kidding me right?? Right after exam lagi tu!!! >,< grrrr!!!!!! So pissed. Why must she always ruin our day with her effed up class D:

Oh well, sigh. Means my official holiday only begins on 1 June. :(
Sob. Next week gonna have physics, biology, chemistry and 8math! FuyooHHH!!!! My best subbies, NOT. well, the only ones I hate is physics and 8maths. I suck bad at complicated calculation. I mean, we don't need it. Just basics saja ma. as long as we know 1+1=2 . LMAO. yea right XD

The reason why she's tormenting us is because she's gonna be a mum in september, so we're gonna stop having tuition that month till form 5. lol. sound nice eh? XD I feel pity for her child though D: he/she is gonna grow up as a mathematician,XD and solving 8math problems as a hobby cause (drum rolls, please) SHE HAS NO TV & INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! XDD

What a life :D

Anyways, not really sure about going to Mukah for badminton tournament though, cause I'm scared it's gonna clash with the time I'm goin to Kuching. hmmmm...I pick Kuching. XD

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